Prime Link addresses your need to find loans as conveniently as possible. Prime Link provides you better options, ultimately ensuring a superior outcome, as well as reducing paperwork.
We provide a free of charge credit brokerage service, streamline mortgage applications, saving you time and effort.
We handle every aspect of the loan, from identifying the most favourable product to finalising the Sale and Purchase Agreement and the loan contract.
Simply contact us and we’ll schedule a discussion when, together, we’ll identify the optimal credit solution and manage all the necessary steps, saving you the time, energy and resources.
Our partner network includes most major banks operational in Romania, providing us the perfect opportunity to identify the credit our clients require and connect them to the relevant financial institution.
Depending on your needs, we can assist you in obtaining a loan.
The Prime Link team can find you a solution based however you earn your income. Eligible sources of income:
Prime Link by Prime Kapital is an integrated service focused on long-term investments, such as buying a home, simplifying customers’ lives. Whatever loan you need, we craft bespoke solutions meeting your needs.
Don’t miss this chance to make your financial journey effortless with Prime Link!
You will benefit from negotiated offers and significantly shorter approval periods! Working with experienced professionals can help streamline the process and minimise delays.
We have a team of experts dedicated to supporting you at every step of the loan process.
If you’re aiming to become part of an ambitious, rapidly advancing, and forward-thinking team, send us your CV.
Our proven track record of delivering high quality and unique projects demonstrates our steadfast commitment to fulfilling our promises. Want to learn more? Check our residential developments!